To maintain the smooth running of our great club it is important that we all play our part and understand what that means. The aim of this document is to clearly lay out what is required from a Kendal United Team Manager to ensure the club meets its aims and objectives.

KU Objectives & Ethos

  • To promote loyalty, respect, team working, health & fitness in the young through football.
  • To operate and grow a junior football club, which is open, friendly and fair.
  • To ensure the development of football and football coaching skills and competencies of each member, whether they are players or coaches, regardless of natural ability.
  • To develop and maintain the best possible facilities and safe environment in which to learn and play football.

Child Welfare

Managers agree to:

  • Ensure they are up to date with current child safety rules, guidelines and policies and that their mandatory certifications & DBS are up to date at all times.
  • Comply with all current safeguarding rules, policies & guidelines.
  • Ensure that all assistants working with children have successfully completed a DBS check.


Managers agree to:

  • Comply with the club’s League Policy when registering with a league for any season.
  • Support the Club Development Plan by implementing the ethos and actions listed therein.
  • Ensure they are fully conversant with league & FA rules with regard to paperwork, registrations etc. so as not to incur any fines or penalty points.
  • Ensure match day fees are collected from match participants and paid to the referee on the day.


Managers agree to:

  • Maintain all KU & hired facilities in good clean condition, cleaning up properly after each game or event, including the removal from the site of any rubbish generated.
  • Maintain & take care of all playing surfaces, ensuring all are kept in a good playing condition.


Managers agree to:

  • Maintain all equipment in the best possible order and report any accidentally damaged as soon as possible to the committee.
  • Return any unused equipment or equipment no longer of a suitable size etc.
  • Ensure home kits purchased or worn will comply with current club branding colours of yellow & blue.


Managers agree to:

  • Assist in the collection of all annual subscriptions as laid down by the committee each year.
  • Collect and reimburse the club for all disciplinary fines imposed by the FA. 
  • Pass on to the club all income from subscriptions or refreshment sales.
  • With the exception of ref’s fees, not to spend any income generated without explicit agreement from at least two of the following: Chair, Vice Chairs or Treasurer.
  • Make no commitment to spend without the explicit agreement from at least two of the following, Chair, Vice Chairs or Treasurer.

Presentation Day

Managers agree to:

  • Invite the whole of their squad to Kendal United annual presentation day.
  • Attend themselves or send a deputy.
  • Only award trophies in line with current club policy; medals for all U10 players and two trophies per team, to be awarded for manager’s player and player’s player. The manager’s player award gives the manager discretion to present an award for whatever reason they choose.

Monthly Meetings

Managers agree to attend the Manager’s Meeting as set monthly by the management committee, or to send a representative if unable to attend personally. Managers are then welcome to attend the Committee Planning Meeting if they choose; this meeting is generally scheduled immediately afterwards.