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Scheme to support more young KENDAL UNITED PLAYERS to BECOME COACHES. 

KU coaches can nominate players that they think are ready and good candidates for the scheme.

KU players can join the Coaches  programme from year 8 if they have been put forward by the Coach or if they have already completed the Junior Ref programme. 

An important part of the scheme is that the young people are reliable and serious.

Junior Coaches:

  • Aged 13 – 18 (Year 8+)
  • Help out at 12 Saturday morning sessions to get experience of the club set up, helping out delivering lots of coaching sessions and refereeing lots of games of junior football.
  • Once these sessions are complete and the young person is 16 years old the club will pay for the FA Introduction to Coaching Football Course.
  • Once they have completed the course the young people can join the pool of KU coaches – potential paid work.