Kendal United Club Development Plan


3* england football Accredited Club
revised 2023

Development Plan Tables


  • Our vision is to build a Club that provides first class football training facilities and playing opportunities for current and future generations in Kendal and surrounding areas.
  • To promote loyalty, respect, team working, health and fitness in the young through football
  • To provide quality and safe opportunities for young people of all ages in our community
  • To help people realise their potential, develop personal skills and confidence as well as promoting respect.
  • To introduce people to football regardless of Age, Ability, Sex, Religion and Ethnic background.


Kendal United were formed in 1945 & enjoyed many decades of success until a dramatic decline in the late eighties, early nineties. The Club was re-formed as a Youth Football Club in 1999, soon becoming a Charter Standard Community Club, with this progressing to England Football Club Accreditation status in 2022. The club is affiliated to Westmorland County FA.


  • Kendal United follows the FA England DNA playing philosophy which outlines an overarching vision for the English game.
  • We endeavor to put in place specialist age-appropriate coaches for each team who concentrate on development, fun, friends and family and promote respect and the Club values in everything we aim to achieve and do.
  • We promote equal playing time with an aim that every player in a Team will get 50% game time over the course of a season to allow everyone to develop.
  • Kendal United are developing a Coaching philosophy document which will be available to view on the club website by everyone in the Club.

OUR Achievements

  • Talented, enthusiastic, and qualified volunteer workforce.
  • Stable and progressive Management Committee.
  • Investment in young people to become Coaches and Referees.
  • Training facilities include use of a 3G pitch.
  • We have The FA England Football Club Accreditation and retain this yearly via an Annual Validation process.

CLUB development TABLE

Development Table & Pathways

Player pathways

  • To provide opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to play football.
  Objective  Achievement   Targets  Timescale   Who?   Cost
1. Retain all existing teams

Maintain a good level of support to existing Teams, Including Monthly Team Manager and Coaches meetings to include a review of squad numbers.

All existing teams retained.


Annually Committee

Head Coach


2. Maintain weekly introductory Coaching Sessions for 4–7-year-old.

Create 2 New Teams from players attending these sessions.

New Coaches to be identified from parents attending. New coaches obtain experience of coaching and take relevant checks and qualifications before taking on a team.

2 teams per age group formed Annually Committee

Head Coach

Club Coach


Facility Hire

Coach Fees

FA & League Fees

3. Develop close links with Schools in the local area.

Work with primary Schools to recruit new players to squads where appropriate.

Players recruited all age groups through school contacts. Ongoing Head Coach


4. Develop at least one team in each age group so there are opportunities for all ages. One team in each age group Ongoing Committee.

Head Coach




Facility Hire

League & FA Fees

5. Ensure all youth Players have a realistic pathway to continue playing open age football.

Support two Senior Men’s’ Teams and retain each year.

Develop a new Senior Women’s Team and retain each Year (based on demand)

Retain multiple adult teams at 11-a-side, or 9-a-side as appropriate. Annually Committee


Facility Hire

Facility running costs

6. Set up a junior and/or disability team through making links with local disability organisations and schools.

Develop a new disability Team and retain each year.

Disability team formed Season 2023 Committee

Head Coach

KitFA Fees
7. Work with the County FA to develop a new girls and women’s football teams each season targeting age ranges U8s to U18s.

Aim to create a Full Player Pathway for Female Football U8’s – Open Age.

New girls’ teams forming each season as a minimum.

New ladies team forming based on demand

2023 and annually Committee

Club Coaches

FA & League Fees


Positive environments

  • To provide opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to play football.
  Objective  Achievement       Targets   Timescale   Who?   Cost
1. To achieve the FA 2*/3* Club Accreditation and retain each year by completing the Annual Validation process. 2*/3* Club Accreditation achieved/retained. Year 2022 & Annually thereafter Secretary n/a
2. To follow all FA guidelines and procedures regarding Club Welfare and work with the County FA to ensure Club Welfare Officer receives up to date training and support.

Club Welfare Officers to attend Welfare Workshop

All FA guidelines and procedures followed.


Workshops attended.

Appointed two new welfare officers.

Ongoing Welfare Officers n/a
3. Fully support the FA RESPECT PROGRAMME Through briefings and visibility of the respect logos and promotional material.

Deliver CFA 7-minute briefs

Regular agenda item on meetings.

Respect barriers and posters to be used around the pitches and Clubhouse.

Ongoing Committee


Welfare Officers

4. Fully support the FA RESPECT programme through all the Players and members .

Every Player, Parent and Coach to read the ‘Code of Conduct’ and display latest versions in Clubhouse Zero tolerance of abuse towards referees Work with County FA.

Reduce number of incidents of abuse towards referees and deal with all matters firmly and in line with FA recommended sanctions. Ongoing Players




5. Organise a Volunteer and Player awards day, set up by an organising committee.

Seek recognition for hard work of all Volunteers.

Volunteer and player awards day, one awards day per season. Annually Committee Venue Hire
6. Club Committee Members regularly visit training and games to ensure those involved are the correct Club Volunteers who have the  necessary accreditations in place. Two visits per month. Year 2023 and ongoing. Committee

Club Welfare Officers

7. Club will set up a committee to deal with in house issues involving Parents & Coaches. In house issues dealt with internally by Club Committee. Ongoing, as required Committee Nil
8. Managers & Coaches will be responsible for the behaviour of Parents & Spectators involved with their Team. Managers & Coaches to promote good behaviour in line with Clubs Codes of Conducts at training and matches throughout the season. Ongoing Managers


Team Assistants



player development

  • To raise the standards of Players within the Club
  • To support the Development of Coaches to create better Players
  Objective  Achievement     Targets   Timescale   Who?   Cost
1. To identify older players in the Club as future young leaders.

Develop and sponsor young players in coaching and refereeing roles.

Sponsor at least one player in a coaching role and at least one player in a refereeing role per season. Year 2023 and annually Committee

Head Coach

Club Coach

Course Fees
2. Run social coaching sessions for 4 – 8 year-olds throughout the year.


4–8-year-olds attending coached social sessions, including a girls only session. Ongoing Head Coach

Club Coach

3. To increase social interaction between teams in the local and surrounding areas.

Run an open tournament during school summer holidays.

Run a summer tournament for 7–11-year-olds. 2023 and annually Committee Self funding
4. To have multiple Teams in each group which allows Players the opportunity to play for a Team that matches and pushes his/her ability and skill levels up. Multiple Teams in place from U7 to Under 12. Build from bottom up to continue this. By the end of year 2024 to have multiple teams from U7 to U 18s plus adult first and reserve Teams. Committee

Head Coach

Equipment, Course Fees, FA & League Fees


club administration

  • To ensure the Club is managed and run effectively in accordance with FA guidelines
  • To provide structure, management and leadership to successfully deliver a Football Development Plan
  Objective  Achievement   Targets  Timescale   Who?   Cost

1. Form a Football Development Committee to manage, monitor and deliver the Football Development Plan.

Committee and representatives of each section of the club meet on a regular basis. Year 2022 and annually Committee

Club Officials

2. All Teams affiliated every year and entered into the appropriate Leagues. All Teams affiliated Year 2022 and annually Secretary Affiliation costs

League fees

3. Keep all football records up to date using the FA Club Portal. All records up to date Ongoing Secretary Nil
4. Set up a Coaches support group to offer help and guidance, Invite all Coaches and Team Managers to a social media group to discuss issues such as Coaching methods and squad Team numbers. Group established. Head Coach appointed. Year 2022 and ongoing. Committee

Head Coach.

Coaching & media subs
5. Keep a register of all managers, coaches and volunteers which including contact number and email address. Managers/Coaches register established and issued to all Committee Members. Ongoing Secretary, Nil
6. Keep a fully updated contact list for parents/carers including contact number and email address. Club Register established Annually Secretary Nil
7. To provide all new Managers with guidance and support when joining the Club in terms of Coaching and admin. All new Managers supported by Head Coach for Coaching and Secretary for admin. Guidance documents given out. Year 2022 and ongoing Secretary

Head Coach

8. Make all the Club documents easily available for all members to assist in the smooth running of the Club. Have clear guidance in the documents on how the Club is run. All documents are available on the Club website for download or reading. Year 2022 and ongoing Committee


Head Coach

9. To maintain regular Executive Committee/ Managers and meetings within the club. Regular meetings held and documented Ongoing Secretary Nil
10. Create an Emergency Reserve Fund which will cover 6-12 Months of running costs in the event of unforeseen circumstances (e.g. COVID-19) 20% of annual income set aside to ensure committed outgoings such as facility upkeep and facility hire can be met. 2022 and annually Committee



season planner – safeguarding

  • To ensure the Club provides a safe environment for all members
  • Club has processes in place to effectively safeguard children and young people
  Objective  Achievement   Targets  Timescale   Who?   Cost
1. Any Volunteer wishing to join the Club (To work with children) must be interviewed by the CWO or committee member and have an FA DBS check carried out and cannot carry out any activity with the team until this has returned from the FA as accepted. All club volunteers who need an FA DBS Check have an in-date accepted FA DBS Check on their FAN record at all times Year 2022 and ongoing Secretary

Welfare Officers

DBS fee
2. Ensure all coaches and assistant coaches have in-date FA Safeguarding Children course. All coaches and assistant coaches hold an in-date FA Safeguarding Children course on their FAN Record (every 2 years) Year 2023 and ongoing Secretary

Welfare Officers

Initial course fee
3. All members are aware of how to raise concerns and are aware of the club’s complaints policy and procedures. All members have online access to clubs complaint policy and procedures and are aware of how to raise concerns. Year 2022 and ongoing Club Committee Nil
4. To increase the number of Welfare Officers the Club has as Teams and members increase. Aim for 1 fully trained Welfare Officer to every 10 teams.

Three Club Welfare Officers appointed and retained.

Year 2023 and ongoing Committee Course fees
5. Club have and adhere to a ‘Safer Recruitment’ policy to ensure all club volunteers are recruited consistently and supported All volunteers recruited have gone through the process and supported in their deployment Year 2022 and ongoing Committee Nil
6. Seek feedback from children and young people on how the club have supported them and can support them in the future. Establish process to gain feedback from children and young people and utilise this feedback to affect club decision making. Year 2023 and annually Committee



7. Ensure Club Portal records are up to date and accurate at all times All Coaches and Assistant Coaches are listed against the relevant teams at all times Year 2022 and ongoing Secretary

Welfare Officers



season planner – workforce development

  • To create, develop and support an effective volunteer workforce within the club
  Objective  Achievement   Targets   Timescale   Who?   Cost
1. Have a key contact person to support the recruitment and development of volunteers. Recruit and select a Volunteer Coordinator. Head Coach fulfils this role Year 2022 and ongoing Committee

Head Coach

2. All Club Coaches to hold a minimum of FA Level 1 or Introduction to Coaching and FA DBS check. Club to maintain an up-to-date list and book new coaches onto FA coaching courses. All coaches either level 1 qualified or booked on courses. New Coaches to be Introduction to Coaching qualified within first 12 months. Year 2022 and annually Secretary, Welfare Officers Course & DBS fees
3. The Club uses The FA Football Workforce resource so that all Coaches and Volunteers have job descriptions with clear roles and responsibilities. All Volunteers have job descriptions within the Club. Year 2023 and annually Secretary

Head Coach

Welfare Officers

4. Increase the number of Level 2 Coaches Encourage enthusiastic Level 1 Coaches to progress. One coach each year to be identified. Year 2023 and annually Head Coach Level 2 course fee
5. Recruit new Volunteers for all roles within Teams and Clubs. Find out Parents/carers backgrounds if possible and utilise their skills within the Club. Volunteers identified as required to fill vacant or emerging roles. Year 2022 and ongoing Welfare Officers Secretary


Dependent on role.
6. Ensure all existing Coaches and appropriate Volunteers have valid FA Introduction to First Aid, FA Safeguarding Children qualifications and FA DBS Check. Identify expiry dates of existing Coaches and Volunteers’ qualifications All Coaches and Volunteers qualifications up to date or booked on courses. Year 2022 and annually Welfare officers

Secretary, Chairperson

Dependent on qualification
7. All Coaches are made of aware of CFA CPD opportunities and are encouraged to attend All Coaches to attend a CPD course and to look to attend future events Year 2023 and annually Secretary

Welfare Officers

Course costs
8. Increase the number of qualified female Coaches One additional female Coach qualified each season. Year 2023 and annually Secretary

Head Coach

Level 1 cost annually
9. Develop new Referees as Club grows from older Teams. Support young potential referees by exposure to our 4 – 8 years weekly coached sessions, leading to club sponsorship. Year 2022 and annually Secretary, Welfare Officers Head Coach Referee course cost


season planner – facility development

  • To sustain a club home ground and provide facilities to allow the Club to flourish
  • To provide facilities for club members and the community as a whole.
  Objective  Achievement   Targets  Timescale   Who?   Cost
1. Discuss facilities project ideas with the County FA Discussions underway with County FA, Football Foundation & council if required. Application submitted to Football Foundation for funding. Project driven Chairman


Project driven
2. Manage and maintain pitches to a high standard. Maintain two club officials trained to Level 1 Football Grounds Maintenance Course. Year 2022

and annually




Course fee
3. All facilities & goalposts are safe. Goalposts to be checked before each game and replaced when needed through applying to the Goalpost Programme at the Football Foundation – Contact the County FA regarding this. Risk assessments to be regularly carried out on the venue/facility. All facilities and goalposts are verified  safe and secure. Weekly/ Annually


Committee Managers, Groundskeeper Goalpost costs as required
4. Work with the County FA to continue to  improve their grass pitches through our Pitch Improvement Programme. (this will enable more competitive games on the pitches)

Complete PitchPower Assessments on each of the club’s grass pitches in order to  receive a report and continue funding.

Grass pitches maintained to a  ‘good or higher’ standard as the programme progresses. Year 2021 & annually for 10 years Groundskeeper

Secretary Treasurer

Increasing maint costs
5. Work with the County FA to access funding for pitch improvement (e.g.. Maintenance machinery). Contact County FA for support with application As required Groundskeeper
6. Join the Groundskeepers forum for advice, tips, and answers to questions. Groundskeeper joined forum. Ongoing Groundskeeper Nil
7. Maintain the clubhouse and facilities to a high standard Keep maintenance records and review maintenance requirements at monthly committee meetings.


Ongoing Committee Dependent on needs.